Q: why did you write a book?
A: my first book "softly but highly dangerous I open your heart" was not intentionally written to create a book. The poems were written for a man I fell in love with. I could not help it, there was no cure. It was an unrequinted love and because I was unable to articulate myself in front of him I wrote my thoughts down so he could take them home and study them in a secure place without the pressure to answer or act...It was his idea to put these poems into a book ... but before that materialized I started to read them to other people, strangers, and the effect was so incredible that I slowly started taking this idea seriously.

Q: why do you write?
It is written in every holy book:" in the beginning is the word"
The word is a thought, spoken out loud.
Wise books also say: "And the word becomes flesh" Now- what does that mean? - it means that whatever you THINK and SAY - if you are serious it will materialize...
So we better watch our tongue...and observe our own thinking...
For example: In order to figure out what buggs me, why I cannot relax or why I feel angry, sad or have a strange uncomfortable sensation in my body - my healing method is to find out through writing. I write down what I think. Writing for me is to dive deep inside and have a serious conversation with my self. Writing for me is to pay close attention to my inner self and to be honest to myself. I uncover my hidden secrets... When I see my thoughts written down and I read them again the following day - I am in another mood and I will know if the thought is the truth or if it was just a personal emotion ...emotions come and go-
Wise women and men say that emotions are bad leaders... and the older we get the more we should be in control of our thoughts and not be controlled by them. I gain control over my life by getting to know my self and listening to the truth that never changes... and to pass on my knowledge I tell the stories of my life in one or the other form

Q: what is success for you?
inspiring other people to think for themselves and stand up for their rights AND duties